Zeta Omicron’s Celebrates 75 Years of Existence
On March 19, 2022, the Brothers of the “Mighty” Zeta Omicron Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, celebrated their 75th Anniversary at the Marriott Hotel in Hampton, Virginia. Brother Eric Leach, Zeta Omicron’s Basileus, presented “The Scroll of Honor” to Brothers Burnett “Burnie” Peters, Haywood “Woody” Holder, Robert B. Lee III, C. Roland Dixon, Ralph Ransom, Danny Myers, James Jackson, John Coles, Ralph Randolph and Ervin “Sarge” Melton for their many years of faithful service, not only in the Chapter but also in the Fraternity. Brother Leach stated, “During Zeta Omicron’s eventful history, the Zeta Omicron Chapter has served the city of Hampton and surrounding communities with distinction and proudly sets an example for others to follow.” Brother Reverend Emerson Louis Boyer was the Master of Ceremony, and he talked about “What is Your Next Revolution?”
Zeta Omicron Chapter was officially chartered on Thursday, March 20, 1947. In paying homage to our charter members and lineage are Brothers Dr. Fred D. Inge, Dr. Don A. Davis, Herman G. Cook, Arthur E. Burke, and Colonel William H. Moses.
Upon its birth, Zeta Omicron’s Brothers immediately began to carry out their duties. Given the issues of the time and the heavy military presence in the Hampton community, the chapter’s goals and objectives were centered on confronting discrimination in the military and education. Throughout the years, the Fraternity has been at the forefront of the struggle.
During this period of turmoil, the charter members set out to increase its membership by recruiting men willing to work to achieve the fraternity’s objectives. More broadly than just in the military, civil rights were an ongoing struggle for the nation as well as the city. Many brothers pledged their allegiance to this cause by attending and participating in meetings held by the NAACP. In 1948, Brother Dr. Fred Inge encouraged as many brothers as possible to become members of the Urban League, another organization whose mission was to remove racial discrimination. During this time, one of Omega’s notable men, Brother Langston Hughes, visited Hampton Institute to speak on racial discrimination. The members of Zeta Omicron embraced him and decided to support his cause while in Hampton roads and fellowship together before Brother Hughes returned home.
For 75 years, the Brothers of the Zeta Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. have constantly been working toward the goals and objectives of the Founders. It is no wonder that the community has always relied on the men of Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity, Inc. in their time of need. Men of like-attainment and similar ideas committed to a cause. The Chapter’s historical mission of removing discrimination from the education and military systems has been the grounding force of our efforts and continues today as a prominent voice in the Hampton Roads community. Zeta Omicron has initiated 168 worthy Brothers – 62 Brothers have entered Omega Chapter.
Article written by Brother Wardell Coward III