Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Third District Artifact and Memorabilia Archive. Contributions to the archive are valued and appreciated as they help preserve, document, and communicate the legacy of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated.
This Artifact Submission Form is available for your use in submitting fraternal artifacts considered to have historical value. Although the use of this form is the preferred method for submitting artifacts, artifacts can also be submitted by contacting the Third District Archivist at 3dhistoryandarchives@gmail.com. All submissions will be evaluated for inclusion in the archive by the Third District Archivist. Before submitting an artifact to be considered for inclusion in the archive, please refer to the Guidance on Determining Historical Significance and Artifact Inclusion Criteria.
When submitting your artifact, please complete the form provided below. Although all the information provided will be recorded in the archive, no personal or confidential information will be made available to the public (e.g., address/phone information, proprietary/confidential fraternity information). If the artifact you are registering contains confidential information, please register the artifact using a general description, but DO NOT provide confidential content through this utility. In addition, DO NOT upload confidential information and content through this utility. Please indicate on the form below that the artifact is confidential by checking the “Artifact contains confidential information” box, and the archivist will contact you to arrange for artifact submission.
Please email all questions to 3dhistoryandarchives@gmail.com.
Please select a valid form