123 Families Blessed With Food Baskets
On December 20, 2022, the Brothers of Upsilon Nu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., impacted 123 families (528 individuals) by providing food baskets for the Christmas Season. Each basket was supplied with enough food to feed a family of six individuals.
Baskets were available for pick up at the Richmond Department of Social Services, 4100 Hull Street, Richmond, VA, through a pre-registration process. The brothers of Upsilon Nu assisted with the loading and unloading of the baskets. The families were truly appreciative of the generosity displayed by the Brothers. The joint donation efforts from the chapter, Brothers, and community partners totaling $4,400 allowed this event to be a success. Upsilon Nu is always looking for ways to uplift the community and help those in need.