Subject: Additional information on “1” Brother for a $1,000 Initiative
Background: Brother Conrado B. Morgan, District Representative proposed the idea to do “1” Brother for a $1,000 Initiative on February 5, 2023. He consulted with the reclamation and budget chairmen before moving forward.
Additional information: ‘We will be giving “1” Brother a $1,000 reward at the 90th District Meeting for reclaiming “1” Brother on Friday, March 31, 2023. Your name will be entered into a raffle once it has been verified that you have reclaimed the “1” Brother.’ Your chapter’s KRS must verify with the Reclamation Chairman the Brother reclaimed and you as the reclaimer. The participant’s name will only be entered once. No multiple entries for reclaiming multiple Brothers. The Brother must be financial in the Third District.
Expected Results: To increase the membership in the Third District and to keep in synch with Brother Ricky L. Lewis, 42nd Grand Basileus’ “Each One – Bring One initiative
Point of contact is Brother Reginald Parker and please contact him at for questions.