NORFOLK, VA—Lambda Omega, Zeta Iota, Gamma Xi and Sigma Kappa Kappa chapters, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. celebrated the achievements of their respective members, community leaders and high school essayists at a joint banquet celebration on November 16. The annual Joint Achievement Week (JAW) event was held in the banquet facility of the Kroc Center Hampton Roads in Norfolk, VA. Bro. Michael Williams served as emcee. The keynote address was given by Bro. Bishop James Jones of the Greater Grace Church, Portsmouth, VA. Dr. Jones is also a member of Gamma Xi Chapter. The luncheon was the culminating event of a week of activities that included joining the other Divine Nine fraternities and sororities in a presentation to students at Oscar Smith High School in Chesapeake on Thursday evening. Fraternity members also celebrated Omega Psi Phi’s 108th birthday at a rededication ceremony held at Omegas of Norfolk on November 15.
Norfolk-based Lambda Omega Chapter recognized oncologist, Dr. Lloyd Shabazz as its Citizen of the Year. It presented its Founders Lifetime Achievement Award to Bro. Theodore Wilder, and Bro. Devin Freeman was their Superior Service recipient. Bro. Renaldo D. Barber, the Basileus of Lambda Omega is their Omega Man of the Year. Zeta Iota Chapter, located in Portsmouth, recognized Carlon Copeland for outstanding support of youth sports. It selected Bro. Henry Mabry, Jr. as their Omega Man of the Year. Va. Beach’s Gamma Xi Chapter recognized author and community activist, Dr. Charmin Y. Anderson as its Citizen of the Year. Bro. Michael Mitchell is their Omega Man of the Year, and Brothers Traune Turner and Clyde Wallace were recognized for Superior Service. Chesapeake’s Sigma Kappa Kappa Chapter presented former NSU star and NFL standout, Don Carey as its Citizen of the Year. Omega Man of the Year honors went to chapter Basileus, Bro. Kodi Fleming. Bro. Stanley Barner, Jr. was recognized for Superior Service.
The Joint Achievement Week (JAW) $1000 award for best essay written by a high school senior went to King Williams of Norview High School in Norfolk. The members of the JAW committee were Brothers Kenneth Edmond, Michael Williams, Stanley Barner, Jr. and James Morton. Bro. Renaldo Barber is the Basileus of Lambda Omega, Bro. Aurthor Williams heads Zeta Iota, Gamma Xi is led by Bro. Dr. Keenan Davis and Sigma Kappa Kappa by Bro. Kodi Fleming.