PsiAA MANUP Program provides young man with tools to continue academic aspirations
On June 28, 2020, the Brothers Psi Alpha Alpha (PsiAA) chapter MANUP Mentoring program, Third District of The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. presented Jordyn Reid, MANUP Top Mentee, with a laptop and Microsoft office 365 software suite to continue his academic college endeavor. Jordyn is a recent graduate of Mt. Vernon High School (MVHS) and standout football star was an integral member of the MANUP Program at MVHS. He led the MVHS Majors to the semi-finals of State Football Championship. In addition, Jordyn earned 1st Team All District in Running Back, 1st Team All District in Punt Return, 1st Team in All Region in Running Back, 1st Team in All Region in Punt Return, 2nd Team All State Punt Return as a Senior.
Jordyn completed the MANUP Study Hall Program at MVHS and mentors to younger members of the football team. He is the 3rd to oldest sibling of 6 and works diligently to provide uplift to his community. Jordyn accepted an athletic scholarship to play football at Monroe College in New Rochelle New York for the upcoming fall season.