Greetings from the Mighty Third District History and Archives (H & A) Committee (8-7-23):
First and foremost, the members of the H & A committee are humbled and honored to serve the Mighty Third District in this capacity. It is a privilege we do not take lightly. The work that the committee delivered to the district under the leadership of Brother Donnie Lucas has been nothing short of Outstanding! As we move forward to build upon the great projects that’s been rendered, we would count it as robbery if we did not keep the core design of the H & A contents of “The Monday Pearl” and the Artifact and Memorabilia Archive pages intact.
As mentioned, the committee will keep the same Monday Pearl format however, we will begin to focus not only on the great accounts of the Mighty Third District that are already etch on the great scrolls of Omega but, we will investigate and seek out knowledge from our current pillars of the Mighty Third District as well. Our goal is to gather as many first-hand accounts as possible of important events and milestones that will be memorialized deep into the souls of every Omega Man who view its contents.
As we re-energize The Monday Pearl, we will begin with a biweekly sharing of fraternity content, commentary, and research of historical value we hope Brothers will enjoy and draw inspiration from. As always, the Committee encourages your feedback. Should you have reactions, comments, information, anecdotes, documents, and the like, related to any of the content we share, we’d very much like to hear from you. Please send all communication to
Let’s Get back at It!
In this edition of the Monday Pearl, we shine the Omega spotlight on one of the most loved Pillars of not only the Mighty Third District, but throughout the entire width and dept of Dear Omega, the 14th District Representative of the Mighty Third District, Brother James R. Clark Sr.
If this committee were to attempt to list all the accomplishments Brother District Representative James R. Clark Sr. has amassed in his 74 years as an Omega Man, I surmise that this submission would be worthy a best seller biography composition at the least! Therefore, it is the hopes of this committee, that every brother will one day find your way to the Delta Omega Center of Excellence INC. (DOCoE) located in Petersburg, Virginia where you will discover the most amazing display of Omega memorabilia in the “James R. Clark Sr. Historical Archive Room”. In its location there are over 5,000 artifacts of which Brother District Representative James R. Clark Sr. has collected throughout his travels in the Land of Omega. The committee has attached just a few pictures as well as the plaque that has an inscription of Brother District Representative James R. Clark Sr.’s contribution to the Delta Omega Chapter throughout the years.
Over the coming months we will begin to deep drive not only the contributions of Brother District Representative James R. Clark Sr., but other Pillars of the Mighty Third District as well. Brothers, we employ you to submit your respective pillars of your chapters to the committee that we may shine the Omega spotlight on them as well. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Again, please feel free to contact us at that we may meet the desires of the Brotherhood.
Yours in Service
The Mighty Third District History and Archives Committee