Bro. MAJ Ahmad Andrews spoke to the Mount Vernon High School football team in Fairfax County on October 30, 2019.
The MANUP mentoring program featured Bro. MAJ Ahmad Andrews on October 30, 2019 at Mount Vernon High School (MVHS). Bro. Andrews addressed 100 high school students challenging them to make positive choices, work hard, and consistently pursue academic excellence. He quoted the famous Booker T. Washington stating, “associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company. The individual who can do something that the world wants done will, in the end, make his way regardless of his race.”
The MANUP mentoring program is for young males and is sponsored by the Psi Alpha Alpha chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated. The MANUP program partners with Mt. Vernon High School and Gum Springs in Fairfax Virginia and has over 60 students from 6th graders to graduating seniors. The MANUP program consists of mentoring students thru exposure to various careers and pre-college initiatives through lecture series and field trips throughout the scholastic calendar year.

Bro. Ken Younger, Bro. Kevin Williams, Bro. MAJ Ahmad Andrews, Monty Fritts, Head Coach; Bro. Eric Kelly, Basileus, Bro. LTC Chester Keller, Bro. Tony Wells, Bro. Michael Frazier
Bro. Andrews spoke on his personal experiences in enlisting in the United States Navy, playing collegiate football, and becoming a commission officer in the U.S Army by way of the Tuskegee University ROTC Program at Tuskegee University in Alabama. The students were inspired by his story of perseverance and hard work. They were engaged and equated his successes after a notable high school football career with their own need to strategically plan multiple routes to achieve success.
The MVHS football team is currently undefeated in their conference play and will battle T.C. Williams on Friday November 1st to becoming Division Champions.