Basileus Derrick Thornton and Brother Terrence James show that serving can be fun, posing with center advocate
Brothers Volunteer at Patricia Handy Place for Women in DC
March 2019 – Washington, DC – The Kappa Psi Chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. celebrated March as Women’s History by volunteering during meal time at the Patricia Handy Place for Women in DC. Brothers organized and served healthy meals to dozens of women and used the opportunity to learn more about the women’s lives and perspectives.
Opened in 2016, the Patricia Handy Place for Women provides more than 200 beds for single women needing residence. The center also provides culture programming and social resources to its community.
It was my first time there, but I loved it and I can’t wait to go back,” said Brother Garrett James, after volunteering that evening. He shared that some of the women shared their stories of overcoming cancer and some of the challenges they face daily.
“There passion of the women was chilling and I was moved by the way they have encountered such hardship and not allowed their spirits to be broken,” James added. “It reminds me of the passion that Kappa Psi has for the community and the Men of Omega has a whole, have for the women in our lives.”
The brothers of Kappa Psi would also like to thank “Ms. Camille,” an advocate at the center that shared her dedication of service and why she brings a smile everyday.
Kappa Psi Chapter has other activities planned to commemorate Women’s History Month and invite the community to visit www.dcques.org to learn more.
Written by:
Bro. Garrett James | 3-SP08-TLL
Editor to the Oracle: FY 2018-2019
Kappa Psi Chapter | LM #6184