Brothers pose outside of DC Frat House

March 2019 – Washington, DC – The Brothers of Kappa Psi Chapter performed it’s winter Adopt-A-Block clean up day earlier this month. Brothers gathered for morning fellowship and volunteered together both getting exercise and improving the appearance of the local community.

While volunteering, Brothers were also able to greet and engage with local neighbors, thus strengthening their community bond. Mentees from the Kappa Psi mentoring program, DC Rhinos, were also on hand to volunteer and spend time with the Brothers.

For more information on future service opportunities with the Kappa Psi Chapter, please visit

Kappa Psi DC Rhino mentoring program mentee has fun while volunteering.

Written by:

Bro. Garrett James | 3-SP08-TLL

Editor to the Oracle: FY 2018-2019

Kappa Psi Chapter | LM #6184