Greetings Brothers, Happy Holidays once again to you all. The H&A Committee wishes everyone a safe, happy, and prosperous 2019. Perhaps some have already read the attached but in case you missed it, please take time to read this informative chronicle of Omega's involvement in The Great War (World War I), written and produced by Brother Jonathan Matthews (7-83-A), International History and Archives Committee member. On the recommendation of my friend, Brother Lucius Dalton, I am reading the book "Said I Wasn't Gonna Tell Nobody," by James H. Cone. It's a great read and I encourage you to read it for yourself. Over the course of his career, Cone, I've learned, boldly evolved into one of the most liberated and courageous definers of Black theology. Perhaps as much as any other authority on the topic (I now have some more homework to do), Cone intellectually and unapologetically relates Black theology and Black power. It made me think about a thesis that was shared with me several years ago titled "Of Vision and Power: The Life of Bishop Edgar Amos Love" by Brother J. Samuel Cook that shed light on Founder Love's Role in integrating the United Methodist Church and influencing the Civil Rights movement (If you haven't already read this one, I've attached it here as well). Anyway, Cone might have been a little radical for our worthy Founder, but maybe not. In his book, Cone shares an encounter he had with our own Brother Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, during which Mays provided an inspirational and transcendent context for Cone's ministry - teaching and scholarship - different than the path he believed was before him. If it's good, Omega is always nearby! The book also includes an introduction written by Cornell West, and while West has drawn the ire of many over the years, he proffered the following that I could get with - "You better not stand up and move forward until you are connected to the best of what has gone into you."
What in Sam Hell does this have to do with The Great War? I guess I got a little indulgent, but it seems to me that The Great War is fought on many fronts in many ways, and oh by the isn't over. The Great War is still being waged today. As we (Omega) stand up and move forward and brandish our weapons of manhood, scholarship, perseverance, and uplift, (our own peculiar manifestation of Black Power) let us remain connected to the best of what has gone into us. There are many examples in Brother Matthews piece, The Great War; in the likeness of Ben Mays; and in the examples of many others who came before us, both celebrated and uncelebrated. Happy New Year Brothers. Stand up and move forward in the Spirit of Omega because the Spirit of Omega is in you!
F.I.E.T.T.S. 3rd District History and Archives Committee