Greetings Brothers,

Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones during this holiday season. Prior to 1955, in addition to preparing for the Christmas holiday, brothers were preparing to attend the Grand Conclave after Christmas and before the New Year. It wasn't until the 42nd Grand Conclave held in Los Angeles, California in 1955 that the Fraternity began holding the Grand Conclave in the summer - August to be exact.

Accordingly, the 33rd Grand Conclave was held in Fort Worth, Texas from December 27-30, 1946. During this Grand Conclave, the 18th Grand Basileus, and first from the Third District after the organization of districts, Campbell C. Johnson, presented the "Memoirs of the Third District." (Click here to download Memoirs). It seems he was proud of the district he called home. The Memoirs provide a measure of just how MIGHTY the Third District has been over the years.

Thanks to Brother Jonathan "Flash" Matthews for sharing these Memoirs with us.

3rd District History and Archives Committee