Greetings Brothers,
While doing some archiving, the H&A Committee came across the attached report of activities submitted by Lambda Omega Chapter to the 1955 Third District Conference. To the initiated it is much more than a report of activities; it is a conveyance of the Omega Spirit and a mosaic of the Omega value system. In this regard, the report is timelessly relevant and keenly instructive.
When reading the report you are likely to notice the several appeals to exceptionalism and proportionate disassociation with the mediocre. Lambda Omega reports on its Achievement Week speaker, the accomplished civil rights attorney and long time member of Phi Phi Chapter, Brother Oliver W. Hill. Lambda Omega's recognition of Vivian Carter Mason for outstanding civic achievement was also telling. Mrs. Carter was a staunch advocate for gender and civil rights as well as an ardent supporter of universal education. She served as an influential president of the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) from 1953-1957. She is well-known for founding the Women's Council for Interracial Cooperation in communities such as Norfolk and Arlington, Virginia in 1945. Mason also founded the Committee of 100 Women, which allowed for underprivileged children of color in New York City to attend summer camp for free (Wikipedia). Finally, consistent with its legacy of firsts, the storied chapter reports on it being the first graduate chapter to contribute to the Century Club. Conceived by 21st Grand Basileus Grant Reynolds, the Century Club was a fundraising initiative implemented to benefit the Omega Shrine Building Fund.
Although all great stuff, perhaps the greatest of all was the chapter's prioritization of fellowship.
Read More - 1955 Lambda Omega Chapter Report
Make it a great week brothers.
3rd District History and Archives Committee
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