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DR's MLK Jr. Day 2019 Message

Greetings Brothers of the Third District,
Congress named MLK Jr. Day as a national day of service, and since then Americans have often celebrated the day through acts of service, dubbing the holiday “A Day On, Not a Day Off.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. inspired a nation to revolt against discrimination, injustice, poverty and war. He believed that the most pressing challenges we face could be resolved through peaceful non-violent action. Dr. King also encouraged this country and the world to be relentless in defense of marginalized communities of our society. Believing that acts of service were the great equalizer, the good Doctor stated, “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.”
We are committed to honoring Dr. King’s legacy. That means recognizing the human dignity in all the people we serve. It means protecting the right to vote for all our communities. It means ensuring that those who serve are judged not based on who they are or where they come from, but rather what they have to offer to help defend this country. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?’” On MLK Jr. Day, Dr. King’s dream of a nation of freedom and justice for all becomes every American’s dream as people throughout the country come together to answer his question.
I am asking the Brotherhood to join the nation in remembering and celebrating the great American leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and recommit ourselves to realizing his dream of equality and justice for all. Please join us on Monday, January 21st at Legislative Lobby Day at the Pocohantas, 3th Floor, Room 300, 900 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219 at 8:00 a.m. Please RSVP at
Thank you for your service to your Chapter, to the Third District, and to our Fraternity. God bless you all as we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
In Friendship,
Brother Kevin Brown
29th Third District Representative

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