Greetings Brothers of the Third District,
Christmas is not a time, nor it is a season, but it is a state of mind. Christmas is a time to cherish peace and goodwill. It is a time to be plenteous in mercy and it is a time to have the real spirit of Christmas. This holiday season is the perfect time to reflect on the past year, celebrate our success, and plan for the future. This has been quite an extraordinary year for us. We take pride in the impact of our collective efforts that we have had across the District.
We supported some great programs, ASALAH, Carter G. Woodson Celebration, Congressional Black Caucus, St. Jude’s Project Giveback, just to name a few. The importance of Omega’s work – serving as a trusted platform, framing issues, and producing actionable ideas and solutions – is highly regarded in our communities.
We only ask that you continue to provide our “5th Cardinal Principle of Service” in 2020 which is critical to our success. Too often, in the course of our busy work days, we forget to say “Thank You” to those who have helped to shoulder our burdens. It is truly a privilege to serve as your District Representative for the best District in Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and I humbly ask that you give me this opportunity to thank all of you for being a part of the team and sharing this year with me.
Additionally, I am also thankful for the support of our families and friends throughout the year. I hope you all enjoy the spending this special time with your love ones over the holiday season. Please know that I deeply appreciate your dedicated service to our Fraternity and uplifting our communities. Long-live the Third District and long-live The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Thank you all once again and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.
In Friendship,
Kevin Brown
29th Third District Representative