Veteran websites to explore:
Ω VA Claims Insider
Ω MOAA – Army Recommends Changes to Arlington Cemetery Burial Eligibility
Ω U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Ω Free Tickets for Veterans
Ω VA Department of Veterans Services
Ω VA Benefits and Healthcare
Ω VFW Action Corps
Ω Social Security
Ω VA Welcome Kit
Ω The National Naval Officers Association
Ω The ROCKS Inc.
Ω Military Officers Association of America
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Colonel Charles Young Leadership Award Winners and Story written by Brother (Colonel, USA, Retired) Conrado B. Morgan, 5-Pi Gamma Chapter-1982, Life Member 1980
Ω COL Charles Young Leadership Award Winners and Story written by Brother Morgan 11 JUL 2020 V4
Colonel Charles Young (March 12, 1864 – January 8, 1922) was the third African American graduate of West Point, the first black U.S. National Park Superintendent, first black military attaché, first black to achieve the rank of colonel, and highest-ranking black officer in the United States Army until his death in 1922. Charles D. Young was born in 1864 into slavery to Gabriel Young and Arminta Bruen in May’s Lick, Kentucky, a small village near Maysville, but he grew up a free person. His father Gabriel escaped from slavery in 1865, going across the Ohio River to Ripley, Ohio to enlist as a private in the Fifth Regiment of the Colored Artillery (Heavy) Volunteers during the American Civil War. Accounts differ as to whether he took his wife and child with him then. His service earned him and his wife freedom. As a young woman Arminta had learned to read and write, and may have had status as a house slave before becoming free. Please visit for additional information.
Award Approval Process: The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Colonel Young Leadership Award was conceived of in Delta Omega Chapter (Petersburg, Virginia), Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. by Brother (Major) Conrado B. Morgan. It was voted on and approved by Delta Omega Chapter in 2000 and presented to the Third District for approval. It was approved by the Third District in 2000. Brother (Major) Conrado B. Morgan was transferred back to Fort Bragg, North Carolina in 2003 and he presented the idea to Tau Gamma Gamma Chapter (Fort Bragg, North Carolina). Tau Gamma Gamma Chapter voted on and approved the award in 2003. Brother (Lieutenant Colonel) Morgan thru Tau Gamma Gamma Chapter sent the award for approval to the Sixth District in 2003. It was approved by the Sixth District in 2003. The Sixth District requested that the award be voted on and approved at the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. international level in 2004. The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Colonel Young Leadership Award was first presented at the 74th Grand Conclave in Saint Louis, Missouri in 2004. Brother Carl Blunt, First Vice Grand Basileus, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. was a strong supporter of this award.
Criteria for Award: Colonel Charles Young Military Leadership Award Colonel (Bro) Charles Young was elected as the second honorary member of our Fraternity on March 8, 1912. Colonel Young, the highest ranking African-American officer in the military at the time of his death, died in Africa on January 8, 1922. To commemorate the great works of this Omega Man, the Omega Memorial Day as well as the Ritual were both revised by the 1922 Grand Conclave held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Colonel Young was highly respected by the Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and is still regarded today as a great military leader and a role model for all Omega Men.
The International Achievement Week Committee will evaluate nominations from the Districts based on the following criteria:
1. Nominees must be financial and in good standing on the Chapter, District and International Levels. 2. Nominees must be in the Reserves, National Guard, or on Active Duty with any branch of the US Armed Service during the period in which he is nominated. 3. Nominees can be considered no more than one (1) year after retirement and/ or separation. 4. Retired/ separated nominees must have served honorably. 5. Nominees must have demonstrated meritorious service as well as outstanding. leadership characteristics during the period in which they were nominated. 6. Nominees must not have any pending UCMJ actions, flags, or any unfavorable procedures taken during the period in which they are nominated. (Required for ORB/ERB to validate that the nominee is not involved in UCMJ action or review.) 7. Nominees’ rank is not a consideration for this award (nominees can be enlisted, warrant officer, or a commissioned officer). 8. Nominees must have made outstanding contributions to the Fraternity at the Chapter, District, International levels (Chapters/District are expected to support all International and District mandated programs) and the military. 9. Nominees must have served in a manner above and beyond the ordinary participation levels necessary to implement programs and projects. Nominees must be involved with the organization, planning and implementation of programs and projects. 10. Documentation associated with this award must demonstrate the nominee’s activities and be certified by the Basileus and Keeper of Records and Seal on the Chapter level.
Winners of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Colonel Charles Young Leadership Award are: Brother Angelo Riddick; Lambda Gamma Gamma Chapter, 2nd District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2003 – Oct 31, 2004 Brother Linton J. Marks; Kappa Iota Iota Chapter, 3rd District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2004 – Oct 31, 2005 Brother Conrado B. Morgan; Tau Gamma Gamma Chapter, 6th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2005 – Oct 31, 2006 Brother Michael Williams; Xi Pi Chapter, 8th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2006 – Oct 31, 2007 Brother Johari J. Hemphill; Gamma Upsilon Chapter; 8th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2007 – Oct 31, 2008 Brother Shelvy L. Convert; Xi Pi Chapter; 8th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2008 – Oct 31, 2009 Brother Demetrius Brooks; Tau Tau Chapter; 12th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2009 – Oct 31, 2010 Brother Dominque A. Jackson; Lambda Alpha Chapter; 9th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2010 – Oct 31, 2011 Brother Mike Boykins; Iota Iota Chapter; 6th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2011 – Oct 31, 2012 Brother Mike Boykins; Iota Iota Chapter; 6th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2012 – Oct 31, 2013 Brother Voris McBurnette; Iota Iota Chapter; 6th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2013 – Oct 31, 2014 Brother Derrick F. Varner; Psi Alpha Chapter, 9th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2014 – Oct 31, 2015 Brother Paul A. Prosper; Xi Pi Chapter, 8th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2016 – Oct 31, 2016 Brother Brian K. Stanfield; Omega Lambda Lambda Chapter, 5th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2016 – Oct 31, 2017 Brother R. Wesley Thrower; Upsilon Gamma Gamma Chapter, 7th District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2017 – Oct 31, 2018 Brother Ahmad Andrews; Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter, 3rd District — Fraternal Year Nov 1, 2018 – Oct 31, 2019
—————————————————— Brother Conrado B. Morgan, 5 PG 82 LM 1980, OPPFI 910-824-1911 cf
Clarence McNeil
Subject: Edison HS awards ceremony pictures and a huge Thank You!
Ladies and Gents,
I really cannot express how thankful our JROTC program is to have the dedicated support from our Veterans. You are a class act and always the culminating formal event for a reason! Below is the link to pictures taken throughout the ceremony. Our Cadet photographers will eventually post (additional) pictures they took on our website
The site for pics now:
Britt Rosenberry
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.), US Army
Edison High School JROTC Instructor
Third District’s Military Affairs Committee (MAC) participates in the recent 85th Annual Third District Meeting and helps to solidly the need to keep Omega Military Brothers engaged.
The Third District’s Military Affairs Committee (MAC), on Friday and Saturday April 12- 13, 2018; as a part the District activities and the Career Fair manned a table attended by Chairman Brother Calhoun, committee members Brother Willie Harris (Gamma Xi Chapter) and Brother Dexter Dean (Delta Omega Chapter) to make brothers aware of future career fairs available in the Northern and South Eastern areas of the Third District. The MAC provided Omega men and guest with the point of contact and website information for local and regional offices of Veterans Administration (VA) and Disabled American Veterans (DAV) organizations. The MAC provided helpful handouts for brothers who may need assistance with Mental Health related matters and additional VA benefits. Additionally, MAC also informed and directed over twenty Brothers to visit the IHQ Traveling Office to update their IHQ MyPage to include their service branch, rank and military status. This effort will assist IHQ in identifying and designing effective programs for all military affiliated brothers and their families.
Finally, the MAC displayed its mini tabletop banner that represents all service members of the Third District. The MAC had fun and enjoyed a productive meeting with Omegas in the Third District.
Brother William Terry Calhoun
Third District Military Affairs Chairman
Brothers, Deadline is May 15, 2018 to submit ad and military photo for conclave. You can pay online or mail in payment at link below: Please send in photo, rank, name, Chapter pledge and year to For questions or assistance, please contact Ernest E. Parquet at (504) 559-3909 or send an e-mail to Brother Terry Calhoun
Deadline is May 15, 2018 to submit ad and military photo for conclave. You can pay online or mail in payment at link below:
Please send in photo, rank, name, Chapter pledge and year to
For questions or assistance, please contact Ernest E. Parquet at (504) 559-3909 or send an e-mail to
Third District Chairman, Military Affairs