The Third District’s Project Manhood – Fatherhood Initiative and Mentoring Committee shall assist chapters in planning and implementation of all fatherhood initiatives and mentoring programs to include Project Manhood – Youth Academy Program (YAP) and Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). The committee shall also assist and coordinate the selection of chapters, brothers and others who should be recognized for noteworthy contributions for fatherhood and mentoring. The committee may also recommend projects for the district to complete in support of fatherhood initiatives and mentoring.
The Third District operationalized its commitment by appointing a Fatherhood Initiative and Mentoring Chairman and committee to lead its efforts on fatherhood initiatives and mentoring. The committee consists of a Chairman, Co-Chairmen and a Representative from each chapter. The Committee Chairman is Brother Raymond Bell who also serves on the International Fatherhood Initiative and Mentoring Committee.
Each chapter selects a Fatherhood Initiative and Mentoring Chairman representative to serve on the committee. Committee members can be found here:
The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.’s International Fatherhood ToolKit can be found here:
Our Vision
The Third District Committee on Fatherhood Initiatives and Mentoring Initiatives is dedicated to:
1. Bridging the gap of father absenteeism in the lives of children and families.
2. Mentoring young fathers (15 – 24yr old) and youth (middle – high schoolers) within the Third District.
Goal and Objective
The chapters are asked to support the partnership by actively engaging in the promotion of the District’s Fatherhood Initiative and Mentoring Committee.
Please select the image below to see More Information on Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.’s Fatherhood and Mentoring Program:
Good Evening Brothers,
Please be advised that submissions for the Third District Project Manhood – Youth Academy Program (YAP) Chapter of the Year and Third District Father of the Year are due February 29, 2020.
The Project Manhood YAP award will recognize the chapter that had the most impact within the community in regard to mentoring activities from March 1, 2019 through February 29, 2020. The deadline for all considerations is Midnight Saturday, February 29, 2020.
All submissions should be in digital format (PDF) and can be emailed directly to Use of OneDrive and Google Drive are highly encouraged and preferred. CRITERIA ATTACHED
Please do not hesitate to call Bro. Bell (571-247-3906) or email if you have any questions.
Third District Fatherhood Initiative and Mentoring Committee