December 30, 2021
Over the past 22 months, we all have continued to look for ways to persevere during a worldwide pandemic. Experts noted that the Delta variant was going to be the most serious virus that people got in their lifetime, in terms of the risk of hospitalization and the fact that it is so contagious that the unprotected will likely get it. Now we have the Omicron variant. Infection rates and hospitalizations are rising again. The fact remains that fully vaccinated individuals can become infected and asymptomatically spread the virus. The CDC recommends that you wear a mask both inside and outside, regardless of
your vaccination status.
Given that, in consultation with the Supreme Council, we will still have 2022 Spring MSP. However, all applicants for admission into our fraternity and all MSP Qualified brothers who participate in the process must be vaccinated and
wear masks. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this requirement. Applications from applicants who are not vaccinated will not be denied but rather moved to the 2022 Fall MSP Application window for consideration and vetting. I thank each of you, my brothers, for your dedication and diligence in adhering to the rules and regulations put in place in the spirit of protecting you, your family, your friends, and our fraternity.
See it through.
In Friendship,
David Marion, Ph.D.
Grand Basileus
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.