Omega 100 is the Third District’s program to support mentoring programs. Omega 100 is simply a request that each brother, chapter, foundation and or vendor/sponsor donate, at a minimum, $100.00 to make a difference in the lives of those who are not as blessed as we are in this country.The Omega 100 Campaign funds will be used to fund the venue, administrative cost, supplies (papers, printing, etc.), plaques, travel and food cost of mentoring programs. Any individual brother, chapter, foundation, and/or vendor/sponsor can provide their donation by check or through the Omega 100 Campaign. If you choose to pay by check, please make your check payable to: 3RD District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and place “Omega 100” in the memorandum portion of your check. Please mail your check to the District KRS at, “Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., P. O. Box 39, 1810 Reddy Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia 22199-0394.”
Omega Men of the Mighty Third District, help us make our program a model for the Fraternity. Please contact Brother Raymond Bell, Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative Chairman, 571-247-3906, for additional information.
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