3RD District Chaplain Corner

Brother Rev. Courtenay L. Miller
Initiated 6-Sp09-Alpha Omega
Chapter Activities to include but not limited to:
- Current Alpha Omega Social Action and Scholarship Foundation Chairman
- Immediate Past 5 terms Chapter Chaplain
- Founding Member of the Omega Academy Male Mentoring Program
- Founding Member Omega Choral
- Immediate Past Political Action Chair
- Member, Social Action, Golf Tournament, Memorial and Amenities and Achievement
Week committees
District Activities to Include but limited to:
- Co-Chair Fatherhood and Mentoring Committee
- Member Youth Academy Program committee
- Interim Chief of Staff and Protocol Chair
Professional Experience
- Pastor Norbeck Community Church
- Lecturer National Baptist Congress of Christian Education, USA,
- Former Schedule C Presidential Appointee
Third District Worship and Prayer Call

Rev. Roi Johnson
Grand Chaplain
Omega Psi Phi International Prayer Call
Each morning, Monday through Friday at 6:30am EST and the FIRST Sunday of each month at 9:00pm EST. God will hear our voice as we bring our requests to Him and wait expectantly. Also advise if you have special prayer requests by emailing them to PRAYINGOMEGAS@GMAIL.COM
Dial (267) 807-9601 | Passcode/Meeting ID: 674-166-340 #.
There is power in prayer – join us for Strong prayer with a spirit of expectancy for STRONG results!