The Virginia State Primary Election is TODAY. We know you care about making your voice heard, so we’ve compiled answers to the important questions you may have as you plan to cast your vote.
Am I registered to vote?
Make sure you check your registration status before you head out to vote tomorrow. If you can’t find your voter registration record and you believe you completed the voter registration process, please contact your local election official for assistance.
Where can I cast my vote?
In-person voting is available tomorrow for voters who still need to cast a ballot. However, some polling places may have relocated due to COVID-19. Before heading out to vote tomorrow, visit Virginia’s polling place lookup tool or call your local election official to make sure you go to the correct polling location.
What do I need to bring?
You will need to show photo ID to vote in Virginia. Acceptable forms of valid ID include: Virginia driver’s license or photo ID; Virginia DMV-issued photo ID; US passport or passport card; US military ID; nursing home resident photo ID (if issued by government facility); student photo ID issued by a school, college, or university located in Virginia; another photo ID issued by the federal government, Virginia, or a local body of Virginia government; employee photo ID issued by your employer; tribal enrollment or other tribal ID if issued by one of 11 tribes recognized by Virginia; or a Virginia voter photo ID obtained through any local general registrar’s office.
Voters without ID: If you are unable to provide ID, you will be able to vote a provisional ballot. After completing the provisional ballot, you will be given written instructions from the election officials on how to submit a copy of your ID so that your vote can be counted. You will have until noon on the Friday following the election to deliver a copy of the ID to the local electoral board.
VREM, Social Action Committee
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