A Message from Psi Nu Chapter, Third District, of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, INC.:
To all the Good Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., the Psi Nu Chapter humbly thanks you for fellowshipping and attending the 2020 Joint Memorial Service – Northern Area II, Third District. Without you all, this event would not be possible. We appreciate you taking time out to spend time with fellow Omega Men and continue to build bonds and bridges that will last an eternity. Special thanks goes out to our guest speaker, Rev. Courtenay L. Miller for speaking a wondrous Word for us all. May the Supreme Basileus continue to bless you, and may Omega continue to shine her light over all her sons. Behold how good and pleasant it is…
Yours In Omega,
The Psi Nu Chapter – Alexandria, VA
Third District, of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.