Third District Reaches One Million Visits on Website

Greetings Brothers of the Third District,

It is with great enthusiasm that I inform you that on May 25, 2022, the Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. reached one million visits on its website!!!!

The Third District’s website ( broadens its reach via social media and shares valuable and informative stories with the world surrounding the District’s 43 Chapters and over 2,364 Brother’s leadership, great work, unselfish living, and community service transpiring in the Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated.

The Third District’s website is linked to our rich unapproachable history. History: The founding of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity at Howard University in Washington, D.C. on November 17, 1911, the four Founders, the twenty-nine Former District Representatives, and all the brothers that have served and are currently serving in this District. This history is easily found via the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated Third District Archive, an ever-expanding catalog of the Fraternity’s artifacts. Members of the Third District determine which of these artifacts have historical value and from which provenance in some way is, or has been, associated with fraternity members and other interested parties residing within the Third District (currently Washington, District of Columbia and Virginia).

The Third District’s website is a beacon of light for the world to see that the Omega Men of the Third District are nobly serving and meeting the community’s needs and standing at the ready to meet any challenges requiring their attention. Some community activities include Voter Registration, St. Jude Fundraiser, Scholarships, Fatherhood Initiatives & Mentorship, Health Initiatives to promote information related to COVID-19, Military Affairs, and so much more.

Because of the unwavering, tireless, and heroic efforts of the Third District’s leadership (Brother Conrado B. Morgan, District Representative), Third District Automation team (Brother Cornelius M. Beidleman, Chairman), Chapters, Brothers, and partners, the website remains relevant and a source of information for the world. More importantly, the website’s relevance is linked to the District, Chapters, and Brothers capturing, reporting, and submitting articles for publication. If not for the stories, the world would not know of the tremendous service conducted throughout Washington, D.C., and Virginia. Additionally, the amazing content on the website has enabled the District sponsorships and 16 organizations with paid advertisements.

We invite all to visit and share the Third District website. Brothers, continue to diligently write and publish the stories of Omega for our family, friends, and the world to see the contributions, leadership, and uplift the Omega men residing in the “Birthplace of Omega” are bringing to society.

In Friendship,

Brother Calvin C. Beidleman III
Director of Public Relations
Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

“Omega Shines by the Power of the Pen”